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MOVE Membership 24/25



Purchase MOVE membership for just £25 per year and gain access to weekly fitness classes onsite.

SALE! Half Price Memberships are now available at a cost of £12.50.
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Women's Football Membership

Women's Football Team Membership 24/25



Purchase a Women's Football Team membership for just £25 per year and gain access to weekly events, training and to receive updates from your Society Leaders.

SALE! Half Price Memberships are now available at a cost of £12.50.
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Men's Football Membership

Men's Football Team Membership 24/25



Purchase a Men's Football Team membership for just £25 per year and gain access to weekly events, training and matches and receive updates from your Society Leaders.

SALE! Half Price Memberships are now available at a cost of £12.50.
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Netball Membership

Netball Team Membership 24/25



Purchase a Netball Team membership for just £25 per year and gain access to weekly events, training and matches, and to receive updates from your Society Leaders.

SALE! Half Price Memberships are now available at a cost of £12.50.
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